In May 2022, as Laker Lydia Rosemary sat at the sewing machine, learning to sew, her future felt uncertain. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, Lydia was forced to leave formal schooling after her father’s shop business collapsed. Shortly afterward, her father passed on, leaving her an orphan.

Meet Lydia Rosemary

“I was a student at Pece Senior Secondary School, but the lockdown got me out of school and that saddened me but when my dad died, that was disastrous.... I had to start fetching water at 8:00 am for a restaurant situated in Gulu main market and finish in time to go for my tailoring class. That was my only source of income, my only hope,” she narrates.

During this same period, Lydia decided to join Gulu Sprinters Rugby Football club to spend her time more meaningfully, enhance her social skills and reduce mental health issues she was experiencing. The founder of Cemelia Initiatives Africa had read her story in one of the newspapers and contacted her through the club’s rugby coach.

“I was so excited when I got the announcement of the scholarship in 2022. I had challenges to raise fees and other scholastic materials, now I am happy for this offer to achieve my academic excellence. Through the scholarship, I am assured of my tuition and scholastic materials. I have been exposed to new opportunities, I am able to speak confidently in public and my dreams of completing my studies are within reach. I plan to continue to A-level if the scholarship continues as my grandmother cannot afford to pay for my education. I pray that God expands the territory of the organization supporting me,” she exclaimed, looking up at the sky with a radiant smile.

Lydia was in senior 2 when the world came crashing at her feet forcing her to drop out. However, today as you are reading this story, she is preparing to write her senior 4 exams in October, 2024 at Pece Senior Secondary School in Gulu district. Through resilience and support, her once shattered dream has come back to life.

Trini Kakande
Communications and Media Student
Richmond American University in London.